MAA Blog

Your path to publication: Understanding self-Publishing…

Self-publishing refers to the process of independently publishing and distributing your own work, such as books, e-books, or other written materials, without relying on traditional publishing houses or companies. Self-publishing allows authors to take full control of the publishing process, but it does mean that you are responsible for all aspects of publishing.

A self-published author is their own publisher, responsible for financing and managing the whole process. Authors can publish their books independently, either in print or digital formats, without involving a traditional publisher. They handle everything, including editing, cover design, formatting, marketing, and distribution. Self-published authors retain creative control, full rights, and receive a larger portion of the royalties (often the full 100%).

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Effective Book Marketing Strategies That Every Author Should Know…

To stand out in the crowded book market, authors must develop a strong personal brand and implement effective marketing strategies. In this blog post, we'll explore some innovative marketing ideas specifically tailored for authors, helping you reach a wider audience, boost book sales, and establish a loyal reader base.

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